Daily Tasks/Shared Living

0115 Daily Tasks/Shared Living

This registration group covers a comprehensive set of services designed to assist people with disabilities in their everyday activities and support their shared living arrangements. This group focuses on promoting independence, community participation and social inclusion by addressing various daily needs and task.

Services covers various area including but not limited to

Providing personal care

such as bathing, grooming,drtessing and toileting. These services are tailored to the individua;ls specific needs and requirements and aim to enhance their personal hygiene and overall well-being.

Household task

Participants can receive support with various task like cleaning, cooking, laundry and shopping. These services ensure that indiciuyal can maintain a safe and clean-living environment while fostering independence.

Assistance with shared living arrangements

This support includes assistance with house rules conflict resolution and communication skills to improve relationship among housemates.

Meal preparation planning

Support work can assist NDIS participants in plaining and preparing their own meal, which can be vital aspect of independent living and maintaining a healthy diet.

Transport Assistance

In this services support work can help NDIS participants with transportation to and from their daily activities, work or community events. These services help and engage in social and recreation activities.

Support Independent living (SIL)

SIL services are designed for individuals who requires a higher level of support in shared living arrangements. This includes 24/7 assistance with various daily tasks to ensure a safe and supportive living environment.
